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What Would You Do for The Person You Love?

This is one of the ultimate questions in life - what would you do for the person you love? Would you step in front of a speeding bullet? Would you carry them on your back 100 miles to get them to safety? Would you let them go to find the truth? The is the dilemma facing Luce in the second Fallen novel by Lauren Kate - Torment.

This books picks up right where Fallen left off.  Daniel is taking Luce far away from Sword and Cross, somewhere safer for the time being while Daniel and Cam have a truce of sorts and fight off the things that are coming after Luce trying to killer.  But the strangest part of the book isn't the pale, while (albino color) Outcasts are after Luce; no the strangest part is that Daniel keeps her in the dark about everything - her past, the truce he has with Cam (who is a "bad" fallen angel so on the opposite side of Daniel - they want to kill each other as seen at the end of Fallen).  Luce is left to herself and her new friends at Shoreline (the prestigious school Daniel takes her too) to discover who she was with Daniel and what he is hiding from her. She becomes more confused as the days drag on without Daniel, without any information as to why she is at Shoreline and what these black things are that show her things from her past lives.  When the Outcasts finally catch up to Luce and her friends at her parent's house for Thanksgiving, it is only because of Miles (the semi-mortal who she has feelings for as well) that she is able to survive - not Daniel.  You will have to read to figure out how and why - I am not giving it away.

What I found reading this book was that my brain couldn't read fast enough.  I found myself skipping over lines and sentences because I wasn't patient enough to get to the end and see how it all ended up. I wanted to know right away. That to me makes a good book. If you can't put it down, you don't want to put it down then a book has done its job.  It has kept you engaged in the story, feeling for the characters and getting you wrapped up in their lives you feel like you are right there with them.  This might not be the most intellectually stimulating story or book but not everything has to be. if you get through a book and are happy that you read it, that it make a part of your day better then the book is a good book and no one else can tell you otherwise.  Torment was that book for me; it kept me engaged and it keeps me thinking about it long after I have put it down. I can't wait to read Passion and Rapture and see how the story of Luce, Daniel, Cam and all of the other mortals and angels plays out.

This book gets 5 out of 5 stars.

Favorite Quote: "Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can't always understand them, but we have to trust in them. I know you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith."


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