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267 and counting . . .

From "The Blind Side" to "Wicked" to Patricia Cornwell, I have 267 books on my to-read list . . . and counting! Every time I go into a bookstore I would leave with at least 2 or 3 books to add and as you can see my list grows much faster than I can read them. There is everything from new releases, to old classics to teen fiction on my list and so much more. There isn't one specific genre I like - if the jacket or back of the book catches my interest and makes me want to keep reading, the book gets added. 
So now the question you might be asking yourself - how does she keep track of all these books? The answer is simple -!  This website makes keeping a list easy - just search, click and add. The site automatically sets up your To-Read list, Read list and Currently Reading list. From there, you can make as many lists as you want. For example, I have My All Time Favorite and Would Not Recommend but the possibilities are endless. Just like Facebook, you have friends and are able to see their lists and add their books to yours - swapping. And that's just the beginning.  One of my favorite features is the Quote page. You can look up all different quotes from writers, thinkers, politicians etc and even add your own quotes from  your favorite books. I have added quote a few from the Sunday Philosophy Club book series by Alexander McCall Smith. Those are one of my all time favorite books because it always makes me think about other things that I wouldn't normally think about - the topic philosophy comes to mind :).

Anyway, before I always had a hard time keeping track of books I liked. I never wrote them down nor did I keep a list on my computer in a word document. I would simple say, "oh this books sounds good" and forget about it once I left the bookstore. Or I would buy every book that I liked and spend far too much money. This way I keep a list and take that list to the library instead of buying them and wasting money (I should have thought of this years ago).  Some other features include quizzes, blogs by your favorite authors, and the ability to follow your favorite authors and what awaits them next in the literary world.

Right now, I am currently re-reading "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." My plan was to see it before the movie but that is not happening as I am seeing the movie next weekend and I will not be done by then. My next book is "Fallen" by Lauren Kate. Many people say it is just like the Twilight series but with a different mythological creature but I like supernatural and science fiction books/movies/TV shows. Those stories are fun for me to read because they really take you out of your normal way of life and into a world full of magical and exciting creatures that you only dream about.

But don't let me influence you about Check it out for yourself if you are a book lover. You might just get sucked in like I did!


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