When January 1 st rolls around, one of the first things anyone thinks of is resolutions. Everyone makes resolutions even if they don’t realize they are making any. Some of the most common ones are joining a gym, losing weight, eating healthier and saving money. Think back to your past New Year’s. How many resolutions did you make? How many did you keep? That is what this post is about – making those resolutions and keeping them. I know firsthand that keeping resolutions isn’t easy. I can’t count how many I have thought of and subsequently not kept because of one thing or another. We come up with these promises around the end of the year or even New Year’s Day that we know if we do these few little things our lives will be better, more fulfilled. We think that these promises will make for a happier life than the year before. We have every intention of keeping these promises to ourselves and doing them throughout the year. But then, work gets crazy, the kids need to be driven ever...