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Fall TV: My Favorite Time of the Year

Every September I start to look forward to getting back into my daily routine - get up, go to the gym, go to work, come home, have dinner, and begin to watch and judge the best and worst new shows of the television season. Last season was a very good year for me and new shows. I added Quantico, Supergirl, Blindspot, Younger, DC Legends of Tomorrow, Life in Pieces, and Shadowhunters. 7 shows on top of the other 15 or so I watch on a normal basis.

Yes, I will admit I have an obsession with television. But I am a creative person and I like to sit down at the end of the day and immerse myself into another world, another life, forgetting about my own for a couple of hours.

This year, I have picked 7 shows out of the new ones that I find interesting enough to start watching:

  • American Housewife
  • Bull
  • Designated Survivor
  • Macgyver
  • Kevin Can Wait
  • Timeless
  • Conviction

Now that we are in the 2nd month of the new fall TV season, I have had the chance to watch all of my new shows and they all are outstanding so far.  Designated Survivor and Conviction are my top drama favorites; American Housewife and Macgyver are my top comedy choices (even though some people will put Macgyver into a drama category).  

I love television. I love entertainment. And every September I get excited and giddy about the new shows because it means more endless possibilities, more imagination, more ways for my creativity to run wild.  With every new show, movie, book, my imagination gets a jolt of inspiration. And inspiration and imagination are 2 things I need in my work life. I need fresh, new ideas every day to keep my company ahead of the pack. I also love to just sit like a vegetable for a little while and be immersed in a world where things go right, where there is a conflict and in 1 hour it is resolved and lessons learned. A nice little story all packaged up and wrapped in a bow. With the hustle and bustle of the real world, it is nice to have finality in some aspect of life even if that aspect is imaginary.

To give my readers an idea of how many shows I watch, below are the shows I am currently watching during the week including the new shows for this season (in no particular order):

  1. DC Legends of Tomorrow (CW)
  2. The Big Bang Theory (CBS)
  3. Grey’s Anatomy (ABC)
  4. Supernatural (CW)
  5. Life in Pieces (CBS)
  6. How to Get Away with Murder (ABC)
  7. Macgyver (CBS)
  8. Once Upon a Time (ABC)
  9. The Walking Dead (AMC)
  10. Quantico (ABC)
  11. Kevan Can Wait (CBS)
  12. Supergirl (CW)
  13. Timeless (NBC)
  14. The Flash (CW)
  15. NCIS (CBS)
  16. American Housewife (ABC)
  17. Bull (CBS)
  18. NCIS: New Orleans (CBS)
  19. Blindspot (NBC)
  20. Younger (TV Land)
  21. Last Man Standing (ABC)
  22. Conviction (ABC)
  23. The Goldbergs (ABC)
  24. Designated Survivor (ABC)
  25. Shadowhunters (Freeform)
  26. Scandal (ABC)
  27. Sleepy Hollow (Fox)
  28. Young and Hungry (Freeform)

28 shows. Even writing them all down I was amazed at how many I have. I am even more amazed that I know where each show is currently in their storyline.  I can retain most of their storylines and even if I miss a week or two, I can pick the show back up as if I never stopped watching. The show that I did that most recently was Supernatural. I stopped watching it after season 4 because I had a life and was busy with friends, dating, work, and family. Over the summer I caught up on 7 seasons to catch up to the 12th season.  I knew everything that I had watched 7 years ago and it felt like I never left that world, even though I did and after watching seasons 5-11, I was sorry I stopped watching.

Even though I am a TV-aholic, I don’t regret getting sucked into my 28 shows. Each show has something different about it whether it makes me think intellectually for 60 minutes or makes me laugh for 30 each show brings me joy in one way or another.  In the end, that is what entertainment is supposed to do. Entertainment, in any form, is supposed to bring you joy, happiness, and in my case a sense of imagination. Because without imagination, I wouldn’t have 28 ways to get lost every single week.


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