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Winter Finales Part 2: Revenge and Once Upon a Time

With both OUAT and Revenge, for this viewer each has had a lack luster first half (up until the winter finales).  I was not excited about the Frozen storyline with OUAT and Revenge seemd to be grasping at straws a little with bringing back David Clarke and waiting episode upon episode to reveal to him that Emily is really Amanda.  

However, both winter finales have reaffirmed my love for the shows with one getting back to basics with storylines that I love and the other going out with a Bang Bang that I did not see coming.

Revenge’s winter finale aired on December 7th with the sneak peak of “Revenge knows how to do death.”  Everyone knew that someone was going to die but the question was, who? You immediatley ruled out Emily and Victoria - Emily because there would be no show without her and Victoria for the same reason because Emily cannot have revenge without Victoria. So the remaining potential victims were: Jack, Ben, Nolan, Daniel, Marguax, Louise, Kate and David.  Each of those characters has a reason and a way to die.  But only one of them would meet their demise. Or is it two?  As the show began, we get flashbacks of a younger Daniel talking with his father about privilege and how to make it in this world. Daniel believes that you can either “hide away as a villian, or live as a hero” but his father things you can’t do either.  Emily is on track to figure out who Kate really is, including warning Jack who does not seem all that surprised that the woman he is currently sleeping with could be a killer.  Nolan and Louise join forces to bring some gossip to the Hamptons at the grand re-opening of the yacht club.  David calls in a favor to make one final play against Malcolm Black (aka the man worse than Conrad).  Margaux is trying to figure out where the baby and Daniel fit into her life. And Ben is kinda in the background. The first person I eliminated was Ben. He is annoying but he doesn’t have the storyline to invoke the death of a winter finale. At least not yet.  I then eliminated Margaux, Louise and Nolan for almost the same reasons except that there is something still going to happen between those 3 and I cannot wait to see how everything works out. I do believe that one of them will die/leave at some point but only time will tell. That leaves David, Kate, Jack and Daniel.  Interesting enough all 4 of those players will be a part of the finale 7 minutes.  Well, enough with the lead. SPOILERS COMING. READ ON AT YOUR OWN RISK.

With Emily figuring out, with the help of Nolan, that Kate is not who she says she is, she lures Kate to her house to get her to admit who she is on her security cameras. We find out that Kate is the daughter of Black and a fight breaks out between her and Emily.  David and Victoria are in the beach house across the way talking about what happened to get David in arrested. Little does Victoria know that David’s final plan is to kill her with a lethal powder substance in her wine.  Back at Emily’s house, she and Kate are still fighting. Daniel was on the beach near his house when he hears the commotion so natually he goes running to investigate. Jack meanwhile was at Nolan’s and found out that Kate is Black’s daughter and runs to save Emily.  After falling off the landing at the house, Emily is hurt and tries to crawl to a safe place while Kate finds her gun to kill Emily.  Daniel shows up, sees Emily crawling and as a knight in shining armor comes to help her. Kate comes around the corner and BANG, BANG. Daniel is shot twice.  Jack comes into the house and shoots Kate, killing her.  David and Victoria hear the gunshots and rush over.  Emily ends up holding Daniel in her arms, telling her that it wasn’t all a lie as Daniel dies a hero.  And the scene fades to black.  

Mind blown.

I needed to recap to fully articulate my change of heart from the beginning of the season. I didn’t have much hope for season 4. Once David found out who Emily was however things started taking a better turn - Emily was starting to creep up the ladder ahead of Victoria and Victoria was starting to lose everything she had hoped for including her children which in what Emily sought to do in the beginning of the series.  With this latest blow of losing Daniel, I am not sure where she will go.  She could blame Emily for killing her son and putting him in this final position but ultimatley it was Victoria who pushed Kate towards Emily, even after David specifically told her not to get involved.  In my mind, I will grieve for her because no one should have to bury their child but in the end this was part of Emily coming to the Hamptons. This was about her putting David behind bars and the karma that is coming back to bit her.  Congratulations Emily. You are finally back where you belong, at the top - even though I don’t think she is happy about this one bit.  

But that is another story. Let’s move on to OUAT. Another mind blown.

The best part of the winter finale was the Frozen storyline being done and over with.  The first half of this season has been a little lackluster for me. Everything was centered around 3 characters - Elsa, Anna and the Snow Queen.  Only towards the end was Emma brought into it almost like a last resort to keep people watching.  I miss the “old” episodes (and by old I mean previous seasons since the show has only been on for 4 seasons) where each one had to do with a separate Storybrooke character and how they fit into the bigger storyline. That was fun for me as a viewer because it allowed me to piece together so many different pieces of the larger puzzle before the season finale.  With the Frozen storyline, it wasn’t as interactive and from the beginning I had already predicted that the Snow Queen was the antagonist for the first half.  

With that being said, the winter finale did surprise me and pulled at my heart strings at the end of the episode.  With the Snow Queen defeated, the only thing standing in the way of people leaving Storybrooke is her failsafe - the new town line that is your cross it you can never return. You no longer will see the town.  Gold is still trying to get out of town with Belle to start his life as a villian/hero.  The two times that my heart strings were pulled were when Regina had to let Robin go and when Belle banished Gold from Storybrooke.  Regina had to let Robin leave town because Marian’s heart was still cursed and she had to leave Storybrooke in order to be fully healed, meaning Robin and Roland had to go with her even after Robin choose Regina to be with.  Regina does deserve a happy ending and I hope that the author will give her one.  Belle realized that she was Gold’s second love behind evil and she couldn’t take it anymore. She stole his dagger and commanded him to return Hook’s heart and take her to the town line where she banished him. So now, Gold is trying to find his way back to Storybrooke with the help of a few evil characters (Ursala, Cruella, and Maleficent) so he can find his happy ending.  What is interesting to me is Belle still has the dagger which means she controls Gold. Gold cannot take the dagger back unless it is dropped or given to him. He cannot steal it. That will be interesting because he will have to betray his love again in order to exact revenge on everyone.  Something he says he has a hard time doing yet as Belle pointed out, he has no problem with going through with it. The second half of the season I think will bring back Disney characters, folklore characters and the better part of the show that deals with backstories and current stories of each of the beloved characters that make this show great.

Both Revenge and OUAT picked it up in the winter finales and bring interesting change in the story both emotional and physically for the characters. One show saw the end of a series regular and another saw the banishment of a series regular and a little step closer to finding out who is the one that writes their stories.  Revenge returns in a couple of weeks which makes the wait bearable but OUAT is out until beginning of March. Way too much time but at least there will be no more breaks between then and the season finale.  


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