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Showing posts from November, 2014

Fall/Winter Finales - Scandal and How to Get Away With Murder

Ever since Lost decided to take a winter hiatus in their 3rd season, slowly other shows saw the type of hype they received from taking a few weeks off during the television season.  By giving viewers a cliffhanger at the end of 8 or 9 episodes, the shows gave them a way to interact with the season through their imagination.  The viewers could imagine where the story was headed, make assumptions about the rest of the season and even bring their imagination to life through the power of writing.  Television has changed from a mindless set of shows on every day to a thought yearly plan where shows are strategically cut into 2 seperate storylines that intertwine at the most unlikely of places.  This television season most, especially dramas, have taken this path to include a winter finale which airs in mid to late November, takes about 6-8 weeks off and returns full force until the end of the season in May.  For my shows Sleepy Hollow, Gotham, NCIS, NCIS; New Orlea...

The Host Movie

When I read The Host by Stephanie Meyer at the time it was one of the hardest books for me to get through.  This was before eReaders and Nook and all the fancy things we have today.  Back when it was just books (yes there was a time we just had physical books) the length of the book was the main reason why I could not get through it.  I was always looking to see how much I had left, figuring out the percentage instead of worrying about the story. The book took me about 6 months to read. I had to force myself to go back and read it; I was very intrigued by the genre and plot but the amount of pages kept getting in the way.  Meyer did use more description than I like in The Host which made it very difficult to keep my attention for long periods of time (hence the time it took me to finish the book).I know that I missed a few things and when I heard the movie was being made, I was ecstatic.  And in October of 2014 I finally got around to watching it.   ...