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True Blood Finale

It has been a long time since the True Blood made its final bow, or stab depending on which way you look at it. Before I get into the review lets do a little recap.

Bill is still on his path to die by Sookie’s fairie light and rid him of his internal struggle that he is destined to die; He believes he is being punished for all of his sins since he was turned a vampire during the Civil War.  Sookie is still struggling to figure out what to do, not sure if she can kill the man she loves. Bill wants Sookie to kill him so she can live her life without vampires and death.  Eric and Pam are working to get rid of the Japanese people and take over New Blood for themselves (which is genius).  In the end, Eric and Pam kill all the Japanese and they are both rich with the New Blood market.  Sookie does come to the conclusion that she wants babies and a real, human life with no vampires and stakes Bill in his own grave that was dug for him when he didn’t return home from the Civil War (creepy).   

The series ended happier than the show ever came across. It seemed that everyone got a happy ending - Bill died, releasing him of his sins and giving him a clean conscious when he died; Sookie rid herself of her vampires and became pregnant with a child and is in a relationship with an man; Eric and Pam are very rich; and all Bon Temps residents seem happy in their respective relationships.  It seems strange for this show and this world.  Yes, everyone deserves a little bit of happiness but everyone is happy and the world seems OK? Is that really true for the Bon Temps/True Blood world? Something tells me that isn’t the case.  

Let’s start with the big aggravation about the last episode.  After Eric and Bill had a talk about Sookie, Eric had left without seeing Sookie or even acknowledging her which makes me believe that Eric took what Bill said to heart, leaving Sookie alone because all they bring her is death.  But that isn’t the way their story should have ended. Their needed to be some closure because for Eric, Sookie was the first “human” that he loved and would do anything to protect since the woman in France in the late 1800s.  Sookie was the first person in a long time that he gave his heart too and became vulnerable.  And there was no closure, no nothing. He just left and the creators and writers seemed OK to leave that portion of the story open.  This story line staying open ruined the finale for me.  I always believed that even though Sookie wanted a “normal” life and wanted children that she wanted love more and would end up with Bill or Eric.  In the end it seemed that Sookie did want a “normal” life and all Eric wanted was fortune and fame.  I don’t buy that. But I am not the writers therefore it doesn’t matter.

I did however believe that this was the right fate for Bill.  Ever since he was taken over by Lilith, he had been trying to find a way to forgive himself for all the sins he committed. He couldn’t find a way to do that except to die.  Honestly, he needed to stop being so whiny and self-righteous. I was a little happy to see him go. I was not happy to see Sookie so sad and devastated but Bill needed to go for everyone to move on. He was the catalyst that started everything with Sookie and if it wasn’t for Bill’s presence then maybe none of those things would have happen to Sookie and Bon Temps.  In the end with Bill (the catalyst) gone perhaps the town was meant to go back to being “normal” and happy like they were before he showed up.  But again, I don’t buy that completely.  I don’t buy that everything about Bon Temps went back to normal just because Bill Compton was gone.  There will be another vampire vying after Sookie and her fairie blood, it will just take time. I am not trying to be cynical. In the True Blood world, there is always going to be death and destruction but then again there is death and destruction in any world. At least these core characters get to experience a little happiness from time to time. The last scene of everyone around the dinner table was that feeling of happiness.  

All in all, the finale did disappoint me because I honestly did want Sookie to end up with a vampire in the end. She isn’t a “normal” human and she never will be. She will always have fairie blood in her and that will never go away unless she releases it. But I guess that for the writers, the vampires in Sookie’s life was only a portion of it, not the entire story.  

I am sad there will be no more Bon Temps or vampires waiting for me on Sunday night. I will just have to find another world to get sucked in to.  


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