Luce just saw an apparition of herself get shot by a supposed friend. She saw her chance to give herself answers and she took it. Little did she know what she would be running into – or through since she was the one who stepped through the Announcer and into her past lives with Daniel. At the end of Torment, Luce had stepped through the Announcer in order to find the answers that Daniel and Cam and all of the other angels weren’t giving her. Daniel got scared and stepped through after her, along with her friends from Shoreline. She finds friends, enemies and always Daniel no matter what century she turns up in. All she knows is that there has to be one lifetime that will tell her everything she needs to know about the curse and the love between Daniel and herself. But the question she hasn’t asked herself is she ready for everything that her past lives will entail? Especially when it kills her?
I enjoyed this book just as much as the first one. There was finality to it that the second one didn’t have but enough things hanging to make me want to read the final book, Rapture. The last book, Torment, made me want to throttle Luce from time to time. In this one, I didn’t get that feeling. The author actually made her into a character that I like. She started out self-centered, right where she was in the last book. But as she obtained more information about the past lives between herself and Daniel, she started to realize that she wasn’t the only one suffering. All of the readers understood just how much pain Daniel had been going through since the Fall (and probably before) but for some reason, Luce had been so much in her own bubble that she couldn’t see or understand someone else’s feelings. That is probably why she was so eager to accept the help of “Bill” in the Announcer.
Even though I did like this one more than Torment, I still had to skip pages because it was boring to read about yet another life between Luce and Daniel. It was almost a little too much to take when they got to ancient China or Japan or whatever it was. I know that in the grand scheme of the storyline, Luce needed to be there to find her final destination of The Fall but it just seemed a little too much and I skipped about 10 pages. It didn’t matter – I was still able to keep up with the storyline and I didn’t feel as if I missed anything.
I still want to read Rapture because I have already put in 3 books worth of my time and I want to see what happens to Lucifer now that he is 9 days away from changing everything in the entire world – not just Luce and Daniel’s lives. I want to see how everything plays out and how the Angels stop Lucifer from changing history. And also to see which side everyone is actually on? Or is the line too blurred to really even choose sides?
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