215. The number of books I have read (which is probably more but I can’t remember every book I read during my school years). 385. The number I have on my to-read list as of March 22 2016. With both those numbers, how many books is too many books? Can someone have too many books on their shelf that they are currently reading, waiting to read, or read? Is that even a question? I have asked myself this question every time someone asks me what I am reading. I answer with the current book I have in my hand or on my Nook and usually follow up with how many I have on my to-read list to give people a picture of how diverse my reading interests are. I have everything from crime novels to young adult fantasy to historical fiction on my to-read list. Reading for me started when I was young, way before I found the magic that came out of the light box as my niece used to call it. Reading would take me away from my world and inject me into a place where an...